Multiple versions of the same process working simultaneously
Step-by-step process execution wizard
Tailor-made interfaces for your specific process
Paperless Processes
Issuance of electronic work orders in technician's mobile app
Collection of e-signature from customers
Same day customer connection
QA of field works using photos
Best Practices Library
Huge experience of implementing business processes for wired and wireless ISPs.
Collection of best practices from our customers: new customer connection, price plan upgrade, technology upgrade (FTTB→GPON, WiMAX→LTE, Wireless→Wired), contract renewal, and automated dunning.
Watch a video about some of Hydra's main features
Main Feautres; Automated Provisioning;; Self-Care Portal; Field Works Management; Subscribers and Service Management
Integrations with BRAS, EPC, softswitches, OTT services, IPTV middleware, IoT platforms
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How We Resolve Your Challenges
Data migration to Hydra Billing
Integration between Provisioning and Network (BRAS, NMS, ACS)
Process automation based on BPM / ESB
IT architecture consulting
Our Customers
Hydra ISP Billing & Management Products have been successfully used by more than 320+ telecommunication companies and service providers in 46 countries around the world since 2007
Why Hydra
We bet you 10-to-1 that Hydra Billing System for ISP and telecommunication companies addresses all the challenges you face when launching a new product or connecting new equipment. We have enriched Hydra with a solution to every complaint our customers present with.
Hydra has all the benefits of an out-of-box solution:
Pre-integrated popular equipment, software and services
Ready-to-use price plans
Standard marketing automation solutions
Hydra flexibly adapts to the specifics of your business: